Perceived Teaching Effectiveness (PTE)

Process for Stateside Courses


CSUDH uses a web-based system to administer the Perceived Teaching Effectiveness (PTE). Information from student evaluations of teaching effectiveness (PTE) is used as one element in assessing instructional effectiveness, as well as, to help facilitate the reappointment, tenure and promotion process. Students in online, hybrid, and face-to-face classes can provide an official student evaluation of teaching effectiveness electronically. Students have access to complete their evaluations from any desktop computer or mobile device. Faculty, deans, department chairs, and reviewers can also access the Online PTE portal from any desktop computer or mobile device.

California Faculty Association

Per Article 15.15 of the California Faculty Association Collective Bargaining Agreement

"Written or electronic student course evaluations of faculty instructional shall be required for all faculty unit employees who teach. All classes taught by each faculty unit employee shall have such student course evaluations unless the President has approved a requirement to evaluate fewer classes after consideration of the recommendations of appropriate faculty committee(s). In cases where student course evaluations are not required for all classes, classes chosen for evaluation shall be representative of the faculty unit employee's teaching assignment, and shall be jointly determined in consultation between the faculty unit employee being evaluated and their department chair. In the event of disagreement, each party shall select 50% of the courses to be evaluated. The results of these evaluations shall be placed in the faculty unit employee's Personnel Action File. Results of course evaluations may be stored in electronic format and incorporated by extension into the Personnel Action File provided that individuals involved in evaluations and personnel recommendations or decisions are provided secure access for these purposes.

15.16 Students may, with the concurrence of the department and administrator, be provided an opportunity to consult with the department peer review committee.

15.17 a. Student course evaluations collected as part of the regular student evaluation process shall be anonymous and identified only by course and/or section. The format of student course evaluations shall be and qualitative (e.g., space provided on the quantitative form for student comments). b. Any student communications or evaluations provided outside of the regular evaluation process must be identified by name to be included in a Personnel or Working Personnel Action File. c. Faculty unit employees may submit written rebuttals to student course evaluations pursuant to Provision 11.2 when it is believed that additional information is needed or in the case of student bias. Evaluators must review such written rebuttals when reviewing underlying student course evaluations."


Presidential Memorandum 2022-05: Process for Student Course Evaluations of Faculty Perceived Teaching Effectiveness

Effective Spring 2023, student course evaluations (PTE's) for all Fall and Spring classes shall be administered. Students shall complete a questionnaire that may have quantitative or a combination of quantitative and qualitative elements. Such evaluations shall be uniformly required of all instructors. Summer courses will only be evaluated as requested by the College Deans.

PTE Data

The PTE instrument shall consist of a common set of closed-ended questions to be used by all faculty members. These questions shall address the criteria of teaching effectiveness.

Full-time faculty may add two (2) additional closed-ended and/or open-ended questions.

PTE Survey Questions

The survey format is in two (2) parts: 1) quantitative and 2) qualitative. Part ONE consists of eight (8) questions, two (2) optional questions, and part TWO consists of three (3) qualitative data collected by student comments.

Quantitative Scale: Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree, Not Applicable.

  1. The objectives of the course were stated clearly.
  2. The course content covered the stated objectives.
  3. The instructor presented the course material clearly.
  4. The class included appropriate student participation and discussion.
  5. The instructor was responsive to student’s questions.
  6. The instructor shows enthusiasm for the subject.
  7. The course assignments and class activities were helpful in learning the course contents.
  8. The instructor’s teaching was effective.
  9. Optional Question
  10. Optional Question


  1. What has the instructor done especially well in the teaching of this course?
  2. What might be done to improve the instructor’s teaching in this course?
  3. Additional Comments

All courses taught in the fall and spring semesters will be automatically evaluated via the PTE system and incorporated as an extension of the personnel action file. Courses scheduled with an early end date will be processed on a case-by-case basis.

Instructors may consult the PTE schedule at

The PTE will open for student input within the last four (4) weeks of classes and email reminders will be sent (three (3) weeks before final examination week).

Students will be notified via email to their CSUDH email account that the PTE student course evaluation survey is available, as well as Canvas. Such notice will explain the purpose of the PTE and provide instructions on how to access the survey via the PTE portal. 

The end date for student input will be the last day of instruction. Students will receive email reminders during the last three (3) weeks of classes.

Student evaluations of teaching effectiveness shall be anonymous (per CBA, Article 15.17).

Faculty will receive a weekly email communication with instructions on how to view the student response rate via the PTE portal. This provides an opportunity for the instructors to encourage their students to complete the PTE survey.

If an instructor chooses to use class time for students to complete the PTE survey the instructor is encouraged not to be in the room when students are completing the evaluation.

Reviewing PTE Reports

After the end of the semester and all grades have been submitted, instructors will receive (for each of their courses) the summarized results of the closed-ended questions, the complete verbatim responses to open-ended questions, and an aggregate summary of the closed-ended responses. 

Instructors may print their PTE result(s) for courses they taught only. Faculty are encouraged to keep a copy of their reports for their own records and/or for inclusion in the RTP evaluation process.

Access to individual instructor results at the department and college level shall be made available to authorized personnel through the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development.

Information for Students

Student participation in the Perceived Teaching Effectiveness (PTE) course evaluation process is critical to CSUDH commitment to quality teaching and academic excellence. You are strongly encouraged to participate in the process and provide constructive feedback that is relevant to the course content and teaching for each of your course(s). 


Each fall and spring semesters, students will be notified via email to their CSUDH Toro email account that the PTE survey is available. Students may access the PTE survey via the PTE portal. Such notice will explain the purpose of the PTE and provide instructions on how to complete the evaluation.

Students will receive email reminders during the student evaluation period.

The PTE survey is accessible from any mobile device.


When you submit the PTE course evaluation, no personally identifiable information is stored along with your responses. Therefore, it is not possible for anyone to associate your answers to you personally. 

Student evaluations of teaching effectiveness are voluntary and anonymous; thus, the PTE survey can only be completed one time. Students are encouraged to participate in this important process and take their time when completing the PTE survey.

The PTE data collected for that particular term will not be released to the faculty until the end of the semester.


If you should need any PTE assistance, please email Ms. Ruby Martinez.

PTE Assistance

PTE Contact Information for Stateside Courses

If you should have any questions or need any technical assistance, please contact Ms. Ruby Martinez at (310) 243-3766 or via email at

PTE Contact Information for Extended Education Courses

Extended Education PTE's are administered by the College of Continuing and Professional Education. If you should have any questions or need any technical assistance, please contact Jackie McKenzie at (310) 243-3741 or via email at