What is the difference between a Sabbatical Leave and a Difference-In-Pay Leave (DIP)?
- A Sabbatical Leave is a full paid leave at one semester or one-half salary at two semesters, whereas a DIP Leave is partial pay for one semester or two semesters (see calculation below for DIP Leave).
- A faculty unit employee must have full-time continuous service for six (6) years prior to taking their first Sabbatical or DIP Leave.
- Eligibility for a future Sabbatical Leave is six (6) years after any previous Sabbatical Leave or Difference In Pay Leave.
- Eligibility for a future Difference In Pay is (3) years after any previous Difference In Pay Leave or Sabbatical Leave.
- The Leaves and Honors Committee reviews all Sabbatical Leave applications.
- The Department RTP Committee reviews the DIP Leave applications.
When might someone opt for a Difference in Pay instead of a Sabbatical Leave?
Someone might opt for a DIP Leave when a faculty unit employee is afforded an unexpected opportunity, such as external funding, a scholarship, or fellowship.
How is a DIP calculated?
A standard monthly rate is used for the minimum instructor salary from the CSU Salary Schedule. That monthly rate is $4,229. Below is a sample monthly base salary. Please make sure to use your monthly base salary to calculate your DIP.
See the example below for the Difference-in-Pay calculation:
Monthly salary of T/TT faculty - $6,500
Minimum Instructor Salary - $4,229
DIP Salary- $6,500-$4,229= $2,271 per month (6 months for AY faculty taking a one-semester DIP) (12 months for AY faculty taking a two-semester DIP)
Can I accept additional employment while on a Sabbatical or DIP Leave?
A faculty unit employee on Sabbatical Leave shall not accept additional and/or outside employment without prior approval from the President (Article 27.18).
A faculty unit employee granted a Difference In Pay Leave shall not accept additional and/or outside employment without prior approval from the President (Article 28.14).
Am I expected to work or serve on a committee while on a Sabbatical or DIP Leave?
There should be no committee service or instruction while on leave.
Can I defer my original Sabbatical or DIP Leave if I cannot take my leave as initially planned?
A Sabbatical or DIP Leave may be deferred up to one semester but should not go beyond one academic year. Our office has a form on the Faculty Forms and Documents (kllkj.net) website.