Funding Opportunities
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Are you preparing to attend graduate school? The OUR is here to support you with applying for awards and fellowships. While you don’t need these awards to attend graduate school, they can open the door to more opportunities.
SPRING '25 Undergraduate Student Research Award
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Apply Here → Application and Guidelines
→Travel Request Form
→Travel Claim Worksheet
→Student Liability Travel Waiver
→2023-24 Student Awardees Testimonials
Application Submission Deadline: Tuesday, April 1, 2025
This award is open to eligible CSUDH undergraduate students across all disciplines and backgrounds (including scholarly and creative activities). It supports up to $600 for STUDENT RESEARCH-RELATED EXPENSES to defray the cost associated with your research projects. These funds will allow you to purchase research-related expenses such as research books, supplies/materials, poster printing, small equipment, travel to field sites/labs, and more. It also supports PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT to defray the cost of conference registration fees and travel expenses in support of dissemination of research findings, cutting-edge research experience, and exploration of various graduate program opportunities and funding across the nation. Engage with other research scholars outside of your usual environment and establish significant contacts through networking. Presenters and Non-presenters are eligible!
Applications are to be uploaded to OUR Dropbox Submission Folder and will be reviewed on a first come-first served basis until funds are exhausted. Don't wait until the deadline, APPLY TODAY! Review the application and guidelines attached for details. For additional information or questions, contact the Office of Undergraduate Research, at | (310) 243-3392.
OUR SCCUR Conference Award [Closed]
The 2024 Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research (SCCUR) will be hosted at California State University, San Bernardino on Saturday, November 23rd and the CSUDH-Office of Undergraduate Research is offering conference travel awards that will cover registration fees and mileage on a “reimbursement basis”, as well as free poster printing for CSUDH student attendees/presenters (until funds are exhausted). To apply for funding, complete the OUR SCCUR Award Application Form by or before Thursday, October 17th. The sooner the better as funds are limited!
About SCCUR:
SCCUR provides a forum for the presentation of the best research, scholarship, and creative activities of undergraduate students in the region, and encourages communication of innovative achievements across disciplines. The conference is broadly multi-disciplinary, including the arts, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and applied sciences. Students present their scholarly work either in 15-minute seminar presentations chaired by faculty moderators, in poster sessions, or in exhibitions or performances. Students who are not presenting are welcomed and encouraged to attend!
Conference Registration:
The OUR will reimburse the student awardee's registration fees (upon return). However, before committing, students must be sure they are able to attend as the registration fee is nonrefundable. Awardees are required to provide proof of attendance for reimbursement purposes (Ex: self-photos attending the event, printed program received at the event). Click the link below to register by or before November 22nd to avoid the additional cost of the onsite registration. →REGISTER HERE←
Awardees will be reimbursed for mileage to and from CSUSB/CSUDH (upon return). Awardees are required to provide a copy of mileage documentation by using a mileage tracking app (ex: Google Maps) to show mileage to and from the starting point (CSUDH) and destination (CSUSB)
Poster Printing:
The OUR will provide free poster printing for all CSUDH presenters funded under this award. Poster files (PPT and PDF) must be submitted to by or before Tuesday, November 19, 2024. Be sure to work with your faculty mentor for guidance and final approval to ensure your poster is ready for printing by the deadline. View and download the CSUDH POSTER PRESENTATION TEMPLATE [PPT] (optional).
Travel Authorization and Reconciliation: Travel pre-approval and reconciliation are required. The OUR Staff will assist awardees with this process.
For more information regarding the SCCUR award, please contact the OUR at or call (310) 243-3392. For general information about the SCCUR conference and general guidelines, please contact the organizing team at and/or visit the SCCUR ‘24 Website.
The Sally Casanova California Pre-doctoral Scholar Program
Designed for current juniors, seniors, and Master’s Students in the CSU students “given to current upper-division or graduate students who, in the judgment of the review panel, demonstrate academic excellence while experiencing economic or educational disadvantage, as well as committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level.” We encourage CSUDH students planning for a PhD to apply for this program! The internal deadline for your application will be announced in the Fall. To apply, you need to identify a faculty mentor during the Fall and then contact the Campus Coordinator, to discuss your application. More information to come.Current and Previous CSUDH Sally Casanova Awardees
The Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
Designed for students in nearly all fields of study who are planning to enroll in a PhD program. The deadline is in December.The National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships Program (NSF GRFP)
For students who are planning to attend grad school next year in STEM (including the social sciences) and STEM Education. The office offers a workshop to help you apply for the GRFP. The deadline is in October, and involves a 3-page personal statement and a 2-page research proposal.NSF GRFP Example Applications (personal statements, research proposals and ratings)
NIH Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGSP)
UGSP Flyer
UGSP is eagerly anticipating the upcoming application cycle for the NIH Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGSP) and would like to share some key details with you.
NIH UGSP Scholarship Overview:
- A dedicated program for students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are committed to careers in biomedical, behavioral, and social science health-related research.
- Scholarships of up to $20,000 per academic year to cover tuition, educational expenses, and reasonable living costs.
- Scholarships can be renewed for up to 4 consecutive years.
- For every year of scholarship funding, students commit to two NIH service obligations, which provide unparalleled research training and experience at NIH.
For a comprehensive overview, eligibility criteria, and other details, please visit the NIH UGSP Official Website.
Should you have any questions or require additional details about the UGSP, please email
The Ray Diversity Fellowship
The Roger Arliner Young (RAY) Diversity Fellowship focuses on increasing opportunities for people of color to learn about, engage with, and enter the conservation and clean energy NGO sectors. The Fellowship is designed to support and attract recent college graduates of color with exceptional promise and demonstrated accomplishment who seek to be leaders in the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors.
California Desert Studies Consortium- Judith A. Presch Student Research Scholarship
The Judith A. Presch Desert Research Scholarship provides $500 for research support, plus a waiver of fees for 1 year of research use of the CSU Desert Studies Center at Zzyzx.
Applications Due November 1st [Closed]
Open to graduate and undergraduate students pursuing research in arid lands.
The scholarships were established in memory of Judith A. Presch, Human Resource Specialist at Cal State Fullerton and Desert Studies Center supporter. They are awarded annually to one undergraduate and one graduate student conducting desert-based research. Awardees will have fees waived for use of the Desert Studies Center facilities for their research for 1 year. Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by the Award Committee of the CSU Desert Studies Consortium. Awards will be announced in December.
IMPORTANT: The application requires that your research sponsor send a letter of recommendation to by the deadline. Plan ahead!
Contact Dr. Paul Stapp, CDSC Director, at for more information, or visit the DSC website